The work has a stamp in the lower right-hand corner. It is a bit unclear, but it seems to state "Raymond...Ray...Inc...Publishers".

After doing a couple of searches on Library of Congress home page, I found that there is a publisher called "Raymond & Raymond, incorporated" that published a book with name "Catalog of color reproductions". The catalog information can be found at:
After additional searches using Google and online catalogs, it is clear that "Raymond and Raymond" was a prolific publisher of prints and art books, particularly in the 1930s. Raymond & Raymond" is also the name of two galleries in New York and Los Angeles, and one has to assume that they are related with the publishing company.
When searching in the online archives of the New York Times I found a number of articles about the gallery - it seems to have been located on 52nd Street on Manhattan. Likewise when searching the archives of the New Yorker Magazine, there is an article from December of 1939 entitled "The Art World (The Art Galleries)" - I have not yet paid the $4.99 to read the article though. Raymond and Raymond also seem to have placed many adverts in the New Yorker between 1933 and 1940 - texts include
- "expertly framed to please the most exacting palate... at sensible prices"
- "Facsimiles of rare portfolio water colors and drawings: Raymond & Raymond"
- "Degas-Facsimile reproductions of paintings, pastels, and drawings: Raymond & Raymond".
The evidance make it seem likely that "Raymond & Raymond" is indeed the source of some of the Picasso "White Clown" prints. But many questions remain:
- Is Raymond & Raymond the source of all of these prints? Do you have a print - does it have a stamp or a label?
- Is the print documented in any catalog of Raymond and Raymond's prints or is there any other hard documentation, in addition to the stamp on this particular print?
- When were they made - in the 1930s or later?
- Were they printed in conjunction to a specific exhibition at the gallery, or where they just reproduced in isolation?
- I do not know this for certain but I imagine that the copyright owner of the original (Picasso himself or the owner of the original?) would have to approve the reproduction of the original painting - was Picasso alive when the prints were made and did Picasso authorize these?
Just for the record, I have a copy of a first edition book on Norman Rockwell published in 1961 by Doubleday,New York.....on the last page is a full color photo of Mr Rockwell in his studio and there,hanging on the wall is my White Clown.The photo was taken in 1961 so Mr Picasso was most certainly alive and if these were in fact fakes of some kind he probably would be very upset if someone as prominent as Norman Rockwell was displaying fraudulent images on his wall.I'm just saying...seems like someone with half a brain would tell Mr Rockwell to take it down if it was fake or an illegal copy. You can see in the photo that it isexactly the same,I mean just a little different like they all seem to be but the same...reddish brown paper,green background,exact pose of the boy. Anyway just thought this was very good info for those of us who have one of these editions and have been told it's nothing.
ReplyDeleteI also have one of these controversial prints/paintings. Mine is similar in color and size, but as with all of the copies I have seen, the figure is slightly different in composition/shape. My copy does not have any markings or labels other than Picasso's signature. I know that it was framed at the Hartford Framing Co. in Hartford, Connecticut, but I do not know when.
ReplyDeleteI have a large envelope from Raymond and Raymond Inc. New York/Los Angeles Facsimile Reproductions Publishers and Dealers 40 East 49th Street New York, New York. the envelope is about 14"x20" with an 1 1/2 cent stamp.
ReplyDeleteAny updates to this blog as far as authenticity of the white clown print? I had mine looked at by an art expert about 10 years ago - he said it was a gravure from the 1920s.
ReplyDeletethe one on the right appears way to "clean", mine appears to be a block printing - large in size, figure is outlined in brown, edges are not cleanly defined.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if anybody has heard anything more?
ReplyDeleteI have one that my grandmother had rolled up in the back of her closet. I took it to college 20 years ago thinking it as a 'poster" and have unearthed it again remembering how much I liked it, and wonder if it's something i should make sure to hang on to.
I have a Renoir painting, (print?) from Raymond & Raymond dated 1926. Madame Georgette Charpentier Children, if anyone can help I have pictures of the item. Everything is from 1926 frame, backing, etc... for its age it's in very good condition.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know if there is any new information known about the White Clown. I have a copy and will be very interested to know.
ReplyDeleteI have and Edward Hicks print with a Raymond & Raymond tag on the back and it lists the address as 54 East 53rd street NY 22. It also states " Original Paintings Reproductions And Framing" So it sounds like they dealt with everything. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteI also have a copy of a Picasso white clown. There are no marks or stamps, only the Picasso signature at the upper left corner. The paper appears to have the same herringbone as described in an earlier blog. Im still wondering about its authenticity.
ReplyDeletejust like you, I have a copy of the clown dress in a white suit without a label.
DeleteI just bought 2 Degas prints at an estate sale. One says Study of a Dancer no. 2 and it has Raymond and Raymond Inc.New york at the bottom right hand corner. the other is also a dancer but I haven't taken it apart yet. are these of any value.
ReplyDeleteI have a new wrinkle to add to this dialog. I purchased a Norman Rockwell print of Shuffleton's Barbershop signed and numbered stamped on the bottom left hand corner, "Copyright Curtis Publishing Co. Distributed by Raymond & Raymond Inc. Since I purchased this at an estate sale I do not have a COA with it so it would help if we knew whether Raymond & Raymond also distributed for the different publishing companies and how long were they in business?
ReplyDeleteJust to keep the page up-to-date, in the 60s I bought this "poster" in N.Y.C. It does not have the Raymond & Raymond stamp, I assume someone else also got in on the act. I recall they were very popular.
ReplyDeleteI have a painting of this but it's not a print it's a painting, watercolor I believe on this brown type paper but it's starting to chip and peel. It was sold to a Vermont couple by the Walfards Galleries in Rochester New York and this galleries was historically tied to Pacasso in the 30,40,- and beyond, they sold some of his original works from my research. Could it be that I have the original work?? It's a stunning piece but definitely not a print in any way shape or form and I purchased it from a grandchild of the original owners from Vermont.
ReplyDeleteAny help on this would help, I appreciate it very much.
Hi check out this web page it is a definite Picasso image no doubt.
ReplyDeleteI have a Monet print, "1880 - Bank of the seine, Vetheuil." It is a large print framed in a beautiful vintage gold frame. On the back is a label that reads, "Raymond & Raymond Incorporated - Fine Art Publishers - 40 East 52nd Street, New York." Does anyone have any idea the value of this painting? I have taken several pictures, but am not able to post them here. I would be happy for information.
ReplyDeleteI have two framed prints with labels on the back stating Raymond & Raymond, Inc. Facsimile Reproductions, Publishers & Dealer with the address from 362 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA. Both prints are portraits of young noble looking children - one girl and one boy. The boy portrait has a hand written notation on the print - Monficur at Lorraine Effant Petit. I have been trying to find out more about these prints but have not yet found any leads. I would be happy to get any information or direction to help with my search.
ReplyDeleteWe have a Rouault lithograph that has Raymond and Raymond N Y embossed onto the bottom of a green surround mat (the litho seems to rest on this mat) on the bottom right side. Upon close examination, there quality of the work is very high with thick layers of color applied, not tiny dots, it looks very real and true to the eye as almost an original.
ReplyDeleteThis Picasso is seen in several Dick Van Dyke shows hanging on the wall in their apartment. Fake? Hmmmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteHi all. I have some fresh news circa May 2020. I too have a version of this I know was purchased "new" from THE OLD PRINT AND FRAME SHOP, INC. 42 BROMFIELD ST BOSTON MA by my godmother for my birthday in 1964. It is similar to many I have seen but I have yet to see an exact match to mine. Signature and facial variations are many as well as things about the edges. Mine has the full width brown border merging with the irregular border green and the paper its printed on is textured.
ReplyDelete16-1/2" x 23-3/4"
Do you have any idea what she paid for it> Just curious. I have one as well but mine also has some blue added to it. definitely litho on brown herringbone paper with extra paints colors and signature added.
DeleteI have 2 Degas prints (drawings), they are in white old frames. They have raymond and raymond fine art dealers blue stamp on back. 40 w5o st new york on back. size 11x17. anybody know price estimate???
ReplyDeleteRAYMOND & RAYMOND, Inc.
Print my degas with further image details below print . States printed in France with
ReplyDeleteFurther information